Took a drive up to Waterfire in Providence the other night. Brought along the camera because there's always some great opportunities to shoot things and people while walking around the city while it's bustling with people.
Except, on this particular afternoon, there was nobody in all of downtown it seemed. Here's a shot of an alleyway near PPAC.

And even though the store was open, no one was around to go inside. Very quiet for a Saturday afternoon in the city.

Once Waterfire started to gear up for sundown, people started to wander around. Here's an old man who was drooling over the pastry selection like a seven year old boy. Note the neck tie.

Waterfire isn't complete without the street performers that come out and do their thing to the amazement of everyone around.

Even the cowboy was captivated.

Once the sun went down, things started to get going in Waterplace Park. The rain held off long enough for plenty of people to show up, but the sky was an eerie color from the low clouds and city lights.

Check out the rest of the season of Waterfire at